Thursday, May 23, 2013

Boy Scout Policy Change

I want to begin this entry by stating that I will probably lose friends over it, and although I hope I do not, such is life.  As I write, this very day, the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America is voting on the issue of homosexuality in their organization.  Pressures from big money donors are forcing the Board to consider allowing homosexuals in the organization.  Whereas I, personally, have never had a problem with someone's sexuality, I believe this is not a decision that should be made or even considered.  Although many others have made arguments on both sides of this issue (many of which are more eloquent than myself), I feel that maybe it is time to take a stance myself on the subject. 

The Boy Scouts of America was founded in 1910.  The group had its origins with Lord Robert Baden-Powell in England and was brought to the United States by William Boyce, a Chicago publisher.  The Boy Scouts of America did not have a written policy for or against homosexuals in their membership until late in the 20th Century.  The written policy was forced due to openly homosexual youth and adults wanting to cement their membership in the organization.  Pressure from large contributors to the non-profit organization has forced them to consider allowing openly homosexuals in their ranks.  At first, the policy change would have allowed Chartered Organizations to make the decisions to allow or exclude homosexuals from their individual units.  For those not familiar with the organizational structure of the Boy Scouts of America should know that each unit; each Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, Venturing Crew, or Explorer Post is an extension of the National Organization but is independent, owned and operated essentially by a Chartered Organization, many times a church, civic organization or group.  The National Board, after surveying youth members, adult members and the public at large, have made the choice to place the following change to their policy before their voting members:

"Youth membership in the Boy Scouts of America is open to all youth who meet the specific membership requirements to join the Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, Sea Scout, and Venturing programs. Membership in any program of the Boy Scouts of America requires the youth member to (a) subscribe to and abide by the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law, (b) subscribe to and abide by the precepts of the Declaration of Religious Principle (duty to God), and (c) demonstrate behavior that exemplifies the highest level of good conduct and respect for others and is consistent at all times with the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone."

Scout leaders, according to this proposed policy change, would still be restricted to heterosexuals; however this will most probably change as well in the near future, if this policy change goes through.  Actor George Takei, most famous for playing Sulu on the original Star Trek television program in the 1960s and also for his homosexual life-style, made a comment on his Facebook page this morning that this was the first step.  Many in the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) population believe the same way.  They are intent on opening the Boy Scouts of America up to everyone.  It seems like a natural progression of acceptance and inclusion by most that seem to be vocal about the subject.  Natural, except to those that believe the change in policy, and in fact in the way of thinking for America and the world, is anything but natural. 

Many supporters of the LGBT way of life claim it is not a choice but "how they were born" will be outraged by the stance I take, and others take, on this subject.  For some, I truly believe it is "how they were born" but for so many others, I believe it is a choice.  They choose to live an "alternate" lifestyle.  Forcing this change on the Boy Scouts of America is wrong, and I believe it is wrong to hold them hostage by withholding donations.  Worse yet, I believe the Boy Scouts of America is wrong to allow themselves to be manipulated. 

Scouting has always been about integrity, in my opinion.  The Boy Scouts of America subscribes to the Boy Scout Oath and the Twelve Points of the Scout Law.  It seems that this vote, that this decision, changes those morals.  It changes those points of the Scout Law and show that any of them are up for grabs, for a price. 

There have been landmark cases all the way up to the Supreme Court of the United States protecting the Boy Scouts of America for their membership policies.  Atheists are not allowed in the Boy Scouts.  A Boy Scout is Reverent.  For those of you that do not know what the word "reverent" means then check your dictionary.  If the Boy Scouts are forced to change their policy towards homosexuals, how long before the change is made to allow atheists?  The four largest chartered organizations in the country are the Mormon Church, the Catholic Church, the Methodist Church, and the Baptist Church.  Each of those has bent their attitude toward the homosexuality issue; each has made statements stating that they would continue to charter Boy Scout groups no matter the outcome of today's vote.  I wonder if their attitude will change when the Scouts are forced to allow atheists in their ranks.

Homosexuality has come a long way.  In the 1930s it was illegal in many states for someone to be homosexual; this is part of the reason that the Boy Scouts of America did not have a written policy on the issue.  Why have policies against illegal behavior?  In March of 1977, the ABC television network premiered Three's Company, a situation comedy about a young man living with two young ladies.  In order for the man, Jack Tripper (played by the late John Ritter), to continue to live there, the trio tells the landlord that Jack is gay.  Great stuff for television comedy, but it also began to usher in a change in the mentality of America.  Six months later, in September of 1977, the first actual homosexual character was introduced to America.  Jack Tripper was pretending to be homosexual, but Jodie Dallas (played by Billy Crystal) was actually homosexual.  Again, ABC was the network and the television sitcom was Soap, an ensemble comedy revolving around the families of two sisters which parodied the soap operas of daytime television.  Over the course of the four seasons that Soap ran, the character of Jodie was seduced by a woman, became a father and later, due to a failed hypnotherapy session, believed he was an elderly Jewish man. 

Homosexuality was funny.  We saw the awkward situations.  We laughed at Billy Crystal and John Ritter.  Later, we as a nation accepted Ellen DeGeneres when her sitcom character came out of the closet in the show Ellen, which ran from 1994 to 1998 (incidentally also on ABC).  The NBC network got into the mix in 1998 when it introduced the series Will & Grace which brought more homosexual characters to the comedy mix.  Today there are many shows with homosexual characters including Glee and Modern Family, the way of thinking of America has changed forever and many people believe that the Boy Scouts of America should change as well. 

I still do not believe they should.  Yes, I will laugh at the antics of Jack Tripper or chuckle at Cameron's flamboyant mannerisms on Modern Family.  Perhaps I am the problem.  I have had many friends that are homosexual.  Their sexuality has never bothered me.  It still does not.  However, I believe that the Boy Scouts of America has thrived for 103 years because of what it teaches.  The Boy Scouts of America not only teaches outdoor skills; camping, fire building, plant and animal identification, knot tying, orienteering, and others, but it also teaches conservation, citizenship, and reverence to God.  It does not dictate which God a Scout believes in, but it does teach that through adherence to a particular faith a person learns what is morally right and wrong and learns to make the right decisions in life. 

Yes, most religions teach acceptance of others, especially those with different opinions and those that make different choices.  "Hate the Sin, Not the Sinner," is the adage I hear time and again from some of these religions.  However, one look at nature will teach us how it was intended to be.  I use the phrase, "Insert Tab A into Slot B", a bit gauche perhaps, but true.  Males and females are designed, by nature, to go together.  Conception, the continuation of life, is only achieved naturally through a male and female.  I understand that is no longer the case, with modern medicine a homosexual couple (be they male or female) can have a child together, either through surrogate, sperm donor, or adoption.  Bless them for that.  If a couple is in a loving, monogamous relationship then more power to them.  If a homosexual couple wants a family, then that is also fine.  Again, I have no problem with homosexuals or their lifestyle; however I still do have a problem with the Boy Scouts of America being forced to allow those that are openly homosexual in their ranks. 

I believe that homosexuals have been involved in Scouting since the beginning.  Some writers have argued that Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of the Boy Scouts, was homosexual.  He did not marry until he was 55 years old and his wife was 32 years his junior.  Powell and his wife, Olave, did have three children together, however soon after their marriage, he began experiencing persistent headaches (which his doctor thought were psychosomatic in origin) that subsided when he moved to a makeshift bedroom on the balcony, only sharing his marriage bed to produce offspring.  Other Scouting leaders, and youth members, over the years have probably been homosexual.  George Takei, whom I mentioned earlier, was a Boy Scout.  I do not know if he was homosexual at the time, I'm certain he will argue that he was "born that way", but that is neither here nor there.  Homosexuals have been in Scouting all along.  So, you may ask, why the big deal?  Why be upset that the Boy Scouts of America is considering a policy change?  The main reason, if you have not been paying attention, is because I disagree with the organization being forced to change their policy by financial donors.  Two of the biggest contributors to the Boy Scouts of America have threatened to pull their financing if homosexuals are not allowed in. 

I am disappointed in the Boy Scouts of America for letting special interest groups make policy change.  I will continue to be a Scout leader, despite any policy change, although for how long I cannot say.  I became involved with the Boy Scouts when my son returned from first grade one day with a flyer announcing a Cub Scout recruitment drive and he wanted to join.  Soon, I found myself in the position of being his Cub Scout Den Leader, eventually becoming Cub Master and now Scoutmaster.  My son and I both live the Scout Oath.  We adhere to the Scout Law.  I spoke to him recently about the proposed change and asked him how he felt about it.  He was confused and a little apprehensive about it.  Although he does not try to discriminate against others, the thought of sharing a tent, a shower room, with a homosexual makes him nervous.  It scares him.  When the Boy Scouts makes the change, and if the vote fails today I am certain another round of policy change proposals will be forthcoming, it will create an environment that may bring about the end of the Boy Scouts.  Or at least, the end of the Boy Scouts of America as it has been known for 103 years.  

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