Monday, November 2, 2015

The River Styx - The Final Piece

This is number 86 in my Collage series of pieces -- It will have a companion piece, depicting the other side of the coin, so to speak...coming hopefully by Winter 2017.

Enjoy, comment, critique...can you spot who is who, and what is what?  Any quesses on a theme?  Is it too subtle?  

When in High School English IV - College Prep, I wrote a term paper comparing John Milton's Parade Lost with the Biblical references to Lucifer and Satan; in my opinion at the time, lofty concepts most others may or may not have been interested in, but I was.  Still am, having been ordained in the years following my Father's death, a lifelong student of theology, religion, psychology, anthropology, sociology, attended every major religious services, types of religion, explored most, but I know not all, are we any closer to understanding anything about ourselves, or neighbors, our purpose, or are we just floating along?  Your turn, converse...

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