Saturday, October 14, 2017

Day 32 - The Forgotten Justice League :: Red Tornado

Day 32 - The Forgotten Justice League 
Red Tornado #JusticeLeague 
Forgotten Justice League members:

The cinematic debut of The Justice League is in 32 days, and to countdown let's take a look at members of the Justice League most have forgotten or never knew about. 

The name Red Tornado was originally used in the Golden Age of comics but writer Gardner Fox (longtime comic writer that helped form the myth is of Batman as an early writer for the character & whom created the concept of a multiverse with the very first Earth-2 story "The Flash of Two Worlds") reused the name for a brand new character, a sentient android with wind based powers that allowed it to fly & create powerful tornados out of its hands. 

In story, Red Tornado was created by intelligent super villain Thomas Oscar Morrow (T.O. Morrow...tomorrow? Get it?) to act as a Trojan Horse of sorts to infiltrate the Earth-2 Justice Society of America. Red Tornado eventually breaks the evil programming and becomes a full member of the JSA. Red Tornado eventually emigrated to Earth-1 and joins the Justice League of America. He assumes a human identity to learn more about humanity, as John Smith, becoming a teacher when not fighting to save the Earth or Universe. He is constantly being destroyed & coming back in new android bodies or having his programming corrupted by his creator or others.

First appearing in Justice League of America issue 64 in August of 1968, the popular character would get their own monthly title and figure into many of the top stories of each decade since, however since the Flashpoint and New-52 comic events he has been absent. A new Red Tornado has appeared on the new Earth-2 that is a feminine android that houses the consciousnesses of Lois Lane.

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