Thursday, August 15, 2013

New Project: Life is a Clown

Number 45 in the Collage Series, this is "Life is a Clown"; a play on the "life is a circus" axiom and employing the classic look of the clowns throughout our recent history.  There is a partner painting to this one, yet unnamed, which shows the darker side of clowns, those painted demons.  This painting, however, focuses on the light-hearted nature of clowns, albeit the original Ronald McDonald was really creepy.  Way to cause nightmares Willard Scott.  

New Project: "Hex"

Number 94 in the Collage Series, a tribute to the art, story, and American West icon, the scarred bounty hunter from DC Comic fame and Josh Brolin/Megan Fox movie, which despite what the critics said (and overlooking the whole "talking to the dead" thing) wasn't half bad.  This is the opening stages of the painting.